Bipolar Disorder Tracker (Notion Template)
People illustrations by Storyset
Ride Your Mood Swings with Notion !
Do you keep track of your manic and depressive episode periods and symptoms?
It is difficult to make your condition visible in numerical or other form, but this template attempts to give you a numerical representation of your "Today's Condition" !
By recording your symptoms daily, you will gradually understand the details of your episodic cycle and symptoms, making it easier to communicate them to your supporters.
Let's use Notion to manage your bipolar disorder so that you can receive appropriate support from your supporters such as doctors, counselors, partners, friends, and family.
The following four things are possible with this template.
- Episode-by-episode symptom management
- Scoring your daily condition
- Prediction of episodic cycles
- Promoting understanding of bipolar disorder and " yourself " to supporters
People illustrations by Storyset
What has changed for me with this template?
I created this template based on 10 years of experience with Bipolar II.
I realize that I am gradually becoming able to put into words what I could not before, such as "What is painful for me and what is troubling me?"
And my surroundings are gradually becoming more understanding of bipolar disorder as it has become a word and a number, and I am able to talk frankly about my illness.